Hello and welcome folks to what I hope to be the new permanent address of my digital garden.

But first, a quick intro. I’m Abdelfattah Mohammed a Civil Engineering graduate (🎓: year 2022) and at the time of writing this entry I’m 24 years old (🎂: 16/08/1999). I’ve been working as a web developer for the better part of 8 years now, mainly through different CMSes. However, I’ve studied and worked with several other programming languages such as Python & Java.

Even though its quite different from my field of study I’ve a great interest in the field of programming and more specifically AI & ML and that’s why I started taking on programming again, and researched a mean by which I can combine both what I studied and my love for technology and that is exactly what I dedicated my career too: “Finding ways to merge Emerging Techologies with Construction”.

However, this garden/blog isn’t mainly about that. This space is for me to share my personal findings and researches in life. These come in many different shapes and forms from my opinions on political matters, to random scientific questions (like what is the viscosity of mucus?), to carrying out experiments and experiences to achieve certain goals I set myself and just sharing the process for everyone to learn.

In short, this is my gift to the world and my legacy.